Micro Dispatch 📡


I recently subscribed to the Write.as 5-year plan. And with that subscription I can get up to 10 blogs, all for $3 a month. That is a crazy good deal! And so here is a new blog; a micro blog to be exact.

This is something I've been wanting to do for awhile now. This is yet another experiment in my ongoing quest to mimic the use of social media, but with a personal blog/website. I'm looking for a way to quickly share content, without having to logon to the usual social media networks to share them.

I've tried this concept before on my online journal, but I didn't like the result. Specifically, I didn't like that my journal started looking like a social media account. So, I'm leaving my journal alone and starting over with a brand new blog. I don't know if this will work, but I'm willing to give it a try.


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